Monday, September 22, 2014

Trying solids for the first time

Before I knew what was about to hit my taste buds...

I was not impressed with this Spinach/Pear Combination!!!

Did I ever tell you sudden noises startle me?  When daddy laughed me, it freaked me out. Hence the sad face.

Nor was I impressed with this pineapple pear combination !!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The other day....I rolled over

Not sure what the big deal is...

In other news, I'm teething... But still sleeping through the night!

Mommy and Daddy don't know how good they  have it. 

Because who else is a better sleeper than me???

I'm wearing 12 month old clothing! 

And eating 8 ozs per feeding. I'm going to start solids soon!

My eczema seems to be improving. But I stll have rashes on my legs and head.  Thanks to Vanicream as recommended by Auntie Marina, it's gotten alot better~!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

We love balloons

This video was shot on our car ride home back from my first vacation ever in Wildwood, NJ.  My brother was cracking me up with his blue balloon!

This was not the balloon that Daddy tried to win by doing this:

But like Daddy said, those things are rigged to be impossible!!  So Daddy just asked the nice lady behind the counter to give my brother a blue balloon.

There were alot of loud annoying motorcycles in Wildwood and it was super hot.   But I was still a pretty good baby!  I slept fine in the pack n play in the same room as my brother and Mommy and Daddy. Generally I was in an OK mood. I was cranky a little bit more than usual because I am teething.  So that means, I'm drooling ALOT and having diarrhea.

YAY Mommy and Daddy got a double stroller! Now I can sit right next to my brother (who is awesome by the way!).  

I am big enough to sit in the stroller without the infant car seat adapter now! But i do tend to slump to one side because ....well, to be honest, I'm just lazy. 

I was so hottttttt. 

Check out my shirt.  Daddy's Crossfit friends got it for me.  I says "Do you even lift Bro?"

Daddy is pinning his dreams of competing in American Ninja Warrier on me. 

I am feeling the pressure since I may outgrow Maxwell in the future... and because my brother seems to be more into singing and dancing despite Daddy's efforts to get him into jiujitsu. 

Back at the house, I watched some TV in my bumbo when it was too hot outside.. 

Me and Momma cooling off in the arcade. Air conditioning was so nice!  But all the blinking lights and noise really distracted me.  Information OVER LOAD~!!!

While we were in the arcade, my brother was having a grand old time with this awesome green balloon Momma got him from the amusement park.

Unfortunately, in his overzealousness, my brother popped his beloved balloon back at the house and proceeded to cry.   That's why Daddy had to get him a blue balloon later.

Here I am laying in the baby tent.  NOT getting my tan on. 

I couldn't help it but I had diarrhea on the beach.

Off topic, here are just some pics of me at the playground at Turtle Back Zoo from a few weeks ago:

Here are just some pics of me being cute - also from a few weeks ago: