Friday, January 16, 2015

9 months old!

I am 19 lbs. and 29 inches long.  I've slowed down in my weight (probably from that stomach virus I caught around new years!) but my head is above average in size!

So doc sent me to get some PT because I'm not crawling or bearing weight on my legs.   Apparently my torso muscles are a bit .... "weak".    To which I said, "And this is a problem because......?"  What's the rush?  Peeps need to chill,

Working up Mama all up in a tizzy.

So I started PT yesterday.  It's a drag.  Because by the time Mama gets me from daycare, its about 6:30pm.  I'm tired!!! I need my beauty rest!!

Not the most optimal time to be making me do situps, kneel, and all sorts of other strenuous activity!!!

But doc says I should go get PT 2-3 times a week!!! So I guess I'll go just to make Mama happy.  I guess a little working out never hurt anyone!

Speaking of working out, Mama and Dada took Maxwell and me to a cross fit class.  I know Mama has  hopes of me becoming a future NBA star... but man... all that jumping.... makes me ... want to take a nap. 

In other news, I can clap my hands, say "Mama", "Dada", "Nana",
"Vava", hold my bottle, and play peek a boo.  And I can do the sign language for "More!"

I am still constantly sucking on my two middle fingers.   Even when I'm eating!!!
I love eating bananas, sweet potatos, and green peas!

Here are some pics from school!