Monday, February 23, 2015

10.5 months old!

So I am eating about 4x as much food as my 2.5 year old brother.  I think my brother is currently on a food strike or something. But I don't get how he can eat so little.  Because I AM HUNGRY ALL THE TIME!

Every day I drink about 6 oz of formula every 3 hours.

I usually get 3 solids meals a day.   For each meal I will eat a whole container of solids - which usually consists of one whole banana + a whole sweet potato.  

You know those pouches and baby food jars and containers?  One of them would never satisfy me at one sitting - try maybe TWO OR THREE. Then, I might be ok with a few more puffs or rice crackers.  

Oh and I heard Maxwell had texture issues and would sometimes gag on uneven purees and such.  No issues here!!! Stick it in my mouth and I WILL EAT IT!

I am still going to PT 2 times a week.   I am making some progress - My legs and trunk are getting stronger.  But I am still not crawling. I am able to tolerate some weight on my knees and legs - sometimes enough to stand for a few seconds!!!

I can pivot and reach farther.   And I can bounce on my knees. 

But generally, I am perfectly fine, sitting around and not moving.   I still don't get sit up from a crawling position.   But I think i just need to continue getting stronger. 

I am still in love with my middle two fingers.  They are so tasty. 

So tasty two upper front teeth seem to be growing about 1/2 an inch apart. Hahaha.   Mama believes that my constant finger sucking has interfered with my teeth growing in.  

 All i can say is, if Michael Strahan can rock that look, SO CAN I!

My hair is still awesome.  Everyone always asks me if what product I use, and they are usually impressed when I say that its natural.  

Wearing winter hats, never give me hat head!

Except in these videos, I think the static electricity actually matted my hair down a bit. 

I love handling books, large objects, balls  and am starting to point at things

Mama gave me some oatmeal with a little bit of egg in it and my whole face and body swelled up and turned red.  Luckily, the reaction wasn't too serious and eventually went away after about an hour or so.  So no more eggs for me for a few years!

I can also wave good bye now!

Some other random pics!