Thursday, June 4, 2015

I am 14 months old!

So guess what my first words were? Not mama or dada... but

 Yep... BELLE BELLE~!  I love Belle!! She gives me motivation to crawl. And I like to crawl around the house saying "Belle Belle!"

 Theses days I am babbling nonstop.  No one knows what I'm saying but me.

I do love to dance!
Here is a video of my brother Maxwell pulling me in the wagon from Granny and Gramps.
Every weekend, we walk around the neighborhood like this!!1 I love it!!

Yeah so I had an eczema flare up recently.

Not sure what caused it but luckily I had some steroid creams. 
But you see that finger i suck on?  My Delicious ring finger.... MMMM.....

 Well it has a big fat permanent eczema rash on it. Surprise surprise.... Doesn't change the fact that it's tasty.
 I am going through this needy phase.  I need constant cuddles.  And the only place I will crawl to is Mama or Dada's feet. 
 When I get there... I do this.

So Mama says I am SOOO different from Maxwell. For example, Maxwell would wake in the mornings in his crib, cooing, smiling, and quiet.  Not me! When I wake up in the morning (usually at 6am), I scream like a banshee. And I'm angry and pissed off... until I get my  morning bottle of milk.  Then... I'm fine.

 Also, unlike Maxwell, I am an awesome eater. I eat everything and anything.... x 3.   Well there are some things I don't care for. Like Watermelon (Maxwell's favorite), Cheese (Maxwell's favorite), and yogurt (Maxwell's favorite).

My current fav's are: peas, grapes, blueberries, chicken, pork, red and orange peppers, avocado, banana, oatmeal.  Mama always jokes that I'm going to eat the family into the poorhouse.

I am drinking whole milk now and have graduated to using a sippy cup!
I can stand on my feet a few seconds at a time. But I don't like it.
 I am pretty demanding and can be dramatic when I don't get what I want (i.e. cry, throw my head back, and roll around on the floor kicking my legs).   But when I am in a good mood, I can be pretty agreeable.