Tuesday, April 21, 2015

1 year appointment!

 It's been a while since my last post!

 In late February, I went to my first OCA Chinese New Year Dinner! I got to stay up wayyyy past my bedtime. 

 I got to wear red. And also wear the same Chinese outfit my brother wore last year. 

 I got to witness my first dragon dance.   It was really loud and my brother freaked out in fear. But I don't know fear yet!

I was pooped afterwards.

My hair reached historic heights. 

 I was famous for my hair.  Every where I went, people would gasp and exclaim "That baby's hair~!"
 But sometimes it really looked like a mess.
But it definitely made me famous at school!

 So the weekend I got pinkeye, Daddy gave me my first hair cut.  Sorta.  he just trimmed the sides to make the sides look neater.

 It still looked pretty crazy after that....
 I love hanging out with my brother.  He's so crazy.  Here he is trying to copy me!

Pinkeye was annoying but I was better after eye drops and weekend at home. 

 I've been holding my own bottle for a while now.  I drink an early morning bottle at 6:30am, one around 9:30am,  around 1pm and then one final one around 6pm.    I am in the process of switching off formula to whole milk!

 I love eating solids. My favorites are chicken curry over rice, chicken brocolli and cheese nuggets, sweet potato, butternut squash, bananas, grassfed beef, avocado, hummus, and bread.

I am not a fan of fruits or green beans.  I hate strawberries and orange.   And i love love Puffs, rice cakes, and cheerios!

 I have a new friend - Belle!  I can say "Belle belle!"  I love hitting her with my hands and with my toys.   It's my way of saying I love you!  Mama always tells me to be "gentle."  I'm not sure what that means.

I like Belle.  Belle motivates me to get into a crawling position.  Definitely is more motivation than some boring toy.

Sometimes belle will just come sit by me  and hang out with me.

 Even though I do tend to abuse her. 

My brother and I got the stomach flu the weekend of my birthday.  Mommy and Daddy had it all planned out but they had to cancel it last minute. *sigh*  And Daddy got me a cake and forgot I was allergic to eggs.  And now they are too busy to reschedule the birthday party. Booo!!!  It's true what they say!!! the Second child always gets the shaft!

But at least Mama made me a nice birthday video:
Julian from Cindy Yu on Vimeo.

But I'm a  good sport....generally...
I do have a bit of a temper (at least that's what Miss Rosa at school says).  
When I get mad, I've been known to cry, arch my back, and throw things. ....So I'm a little emo.....

But in other news, I've gotten in some good park time now that the weather's gotten nicer!
I also finally got a "real" haircut from a salon.   It looks ok here because its the first day, but the cut is pretty bad and uneven....

I am still not crawling.... but I am reaching more and pulling up to my knees.  I kinda crawled two steps. We put off the MRI for now because I am still so young to be sedated....

I went to the pediatrician today for my 1 year appointment.  Everything else is on track.  I am babbling nonstop... saying "Belle belle", "Mama" , and "Da da".  Here is a video of me (pre salon cut) doing a video log with Mama:

Julian and momma from Cindy Yu on Vimeo.

I can sign "More" whenever I want more food.  

I can point (which doc says usually doesnt start until 15 months), wave hello and good bye.    I like hammering things, hitting things together, playing the xylophone, balloons, and reading books.

I weigh 20 lbs and 12 ounces. And I am 30 inches long. 

I am just taking my time with the walking bit... but I'm getting stronger with PT every week.
I am wearing 18-24 month clothing now.  My brother and I can soon wear the same clothes!

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