Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My first Christmas!

"E" is for ear infection.

That's what I had got right before Christmas. 

I had a 102.8 fever. I stayed home for a week.  I also didnt sleep well or eat well for week. 

And I was super cuddly and needy. 

And cranky. 

Before we left for Indiana, we had a holiday lunch with Gonggong and Popo at Qin Dynasty

I was on antibiotics but that didn't really help me on the plane ride to Grammy and Gramps.  So I screamed during the altitude changes. 

This pic was taken around 6am as we were checking into our flight at Newark airport.  Bro and I were thrilled. 

But once we got there, I was feeling lots better.  I got to see Auntie April, Uncle Adam, Grammy, cousin Ryker, 

And Gramps!

My new cousin Lily jo (she is only three months old!)


I got to get a work out in with cousin Lily's new barbell

I loved the flashing ball!

And I got to show off my great hair!

Gramps took us out down the street to feed the horses. 

 I didn' get to but cousin Ryker did....

And my brother, as always, was excited to but then chickened out last minute. 

It was so fun hanging out with my cousins and my brother!

Cousin Ryker was super nice to me!  He gave me kisses all the time!

I think he liked me because I was nicer to him than my brother was.  My brother tends to be.....bossy. And unfriendly to people he doesn't know well.   Plus I think he was super homesick.

 All in all it was a great trip!! I had so much fun and got lots of great presents from Santa and the family!  This family pic says it all!

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