Monday, November 24, 2014

I have teef!

Two of them on the bottom!!

I also have great hair!

And a great smile!

I am becoming more and more aware of my surroundings and more and more attached to Mommy and Daddy.  I hate it when they leave me alone.  I prefer to be held at all times!!!  I love grabbing their faces and I love laughing with them.


And I love playing with my big brother!
Whenever I see him, I smile and laugh!  I alwyas try to grab him.  He squeals and moves away. But then he always comes back for more!

I am eating ALOT now.  Alot more than my big brother! Who apparently is not eating very much these days.   I eat solids 3-4 times a day!   That is in addition to the 8 oz bottles I am getting every 3 hours! So far I love bananas, applesauce, carrots, pumpkin stew, potatoes, and peas.  I'm not a huge fan of spinach or avocado. 

Yea so I am turning 8 months old in 2 weeks. But I'm still not crawling... and yes... sometimes I still fall over on my head.  But i'm getting better at sitting up every day!  But look at me in the pics below. Don't I look weird???? I look like i have no legs because I am so hunched over. haha.

Mama got me this outfit for our family photo shoot! I think I look pretty handsome!

I wasn't a big fan of the hat though.  I don't think Mommy was either. It made me look like a jockey.

Much better without it right?

Although here I look a bit stodgy.

Here we are having brunch at the Tick Tock Diner~!  

I'm a great dining companion!  I don't fuss, cry, and I will eat any applesauce you have on hand!

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